Our MISSION is to equip members of our community with the knowledge and tools to change one’s world
Our Values
We believe it is important to consider and create “alternative futures” through innovation
We as Global Citizens have a responsibility of service to the world and its peoples
We invest in establishing student, faculty, and administrator global networks
We define Global Fluency as the acquisition of the language elements of a culture: oral, written and visual communication
The fundamentals of hospitality are inclusivity and trust
The recognition of “human capital” and the development of individual gifts and talents
Equipping persons as “change agents” with the knowledge and tools to make a difference

Our VISION is to develop dynamic community leadership through creativity and imagination
Meet the Team
Cristina Cordova Paz
Professor of English and Literature, Faculdad de Idiomas, Universidad Benito Juarez de Oaxaca (UABJO). Completed a Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies at Indiana University.
Flavia Cespedes
Owner of Taqueria Aguila. Passionate about building community through the sharing of food, traditions and love.
Joshua Gonzalez
Kentuckian and Michoacano
Owner of Foko and La Pana Bakery y Café. First generation Mexican-American graduate of University of Louisville Business School. Passionate about Latin Dancing, motorcycle quests, cultural exchange, and community building.
Megan Lenahan
Baker and Barista at La Pana Bakery y Cafe. Passionate about Latin Dance, travel, community building and Fine Arts.
Wes Lites
Founder of Leaders for All People
Retired Philosophy Professor at Jefferson Community and Technical College. Has spent 14 years traveling through Oaxaca. Considers himself to be a global citizen.