Our MISSION is to equip members of our community with the knowledge and tools to change one’s world

Our Values

  • We believe it is important to consider and create “alternative futures” through innovation

  • We as Global Citizens have a responsibility of service to the world and its peoples

  • We invest in establishing student, faculty, and administrator global networks

  • We define Global Fluency as the acquisition of the language elements of a culture: oral, written and visual communication

  • The fundamentals of hospitality are inclusivity and trust

  • The recognition of “human capital” and the development of individual gifts and talents

  • Equipping persons as “change agents” with the knowledge and tools to make a difference

Our VISION is to develop dynamic community leadership through creativity and imagination

Meet the Team

  • Cristina Cordova Paz


    Professor of English and Literature, Faculdad de Idiomas, Universidad Benito Juarez de Oaxaca (UABJO). Completed a Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies at Indiana University.

  • Flavia Cespedes


    Owner of Taqueria Aguila. Passionate about building community through the sharing of food, traditions and love.

  • Joshua Gonzalez

    Kentuckian and Michoacano

    Owner of Foko and La Pana Bakery y Café. First generation Mexican-American graduate of University of Louisville Business School. Passionate about Latin Dancing, motorcycle quests, cultural exchange, and community building.

  • Megan Lenahan


    Baker and Barista at La Pana Bakery y Cafe. Passionate about Latin Dance, travel, community building and Fine Arts.

  • Wes Lites


    Founder of Leaders for All People

    Retired Philosophy Professor at Jefferson Community and Technical College. Has spent 14 years traveling through Oaxaca. Considers himself to be a global citizen.